Monday, April 25, 2011

Intro: Or Should I Say Pre-Law?

Nervous? Always open with a joke is what I have always been told. To that I ask what if no one laughs? Never gotten a response, maybe any joke is always funny then. My name is Donald Black I have wanted to be a lawyer for about the past 7 years of my life, ever since I was 12. Now knowing what you want to do and being on the path to doing it are pretty different things. I am not one of those guys who figured out early on he wanted to be a certain thing then just spent the years becoming the best in that field. No, I merely said I am going to be a lawyer and then just went back on with life. I always had it at the back of my mind though that I would go to Law school. Here I am though end of the second year of college and my doubts are starting to loom over me. The deadlines are distant still but like most things they may sneak up on me so I must be careful. This summer I am going to be preparing to take my LSAT's, but I am not sure if i should take them my junior year. I intend to seek the guidance of my law professor here maybe to shed some light on coming objectives. Now I am a nerd in most other respects and when I do study I study hard. However, I am still not convinced I have what it takes to get to the L1 status I so crave. This is why I made this blog, it will help me track my progress from second year college student to and hopefully through Law school and beyond. Second purpose as to serve as a guide of sorts to other perspective Law applicants and maybe even be entertaining as well. Wish me luck and i'll keep you posted.